Please keep in mind that the Pet Rules are a guideline and are not an all-inclusive list and subject to change without notice. We will do our best to resolve any issues prior to any disciplinary actions being taken. If you have any questions, please contact our office.
The following rules must be strictly followed by all pet owners:
1. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PETS: A maximum of three (3) quiet, well-mannered pets are allowed per site – either 2 large (max. 80lbs.) or 3 small dogs (under 25lbs) or 1 large (max. 80lbs.) and 2 small dogs (under 25lbs.).
2. RABIES: Dogs must have a current rabies certificate at the time of check-in and remain current for the duration of your stay. Certificates need to be submitted to Park Management within seven (7) days of the expiration or upon written request.
3. PETS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE OFFICE: All pets must be registered with the park. If you are an existing guest and you are thinking of getting a pet or an additional pet, you will need to contact the office prior to the pet coming on site to make sure it’s within our guidelines and to update your records.
4. VISITORS WITH PETS: Visitors are not permitted to bring any pet into the park without prior approval.
5. PET ENCLOSURES: Pet enclosures must meet our requirements and be approved by the office in advance. They are to be no larger than 10x10x3 and removeable. Lawn maintenance will not remove the enclosure to conduct routine lawn service so you will be responsible for the upkeep of your pet area.
6. UNATTENDED PETS: All pets are never to be left unattended or tied up outside, to include while inside their pet enclosures. Any pet running loose in the park will be turned over to Animal Control.
7. ALL PETS MUST BE ON A LEASH: Pets must be on a leash, this is to include Service Animals, unless in one of our designated Dog Parks.
8. PARK BUILDINGS/POOL AREAS: Pets are not allowed in park buildings or pool areas.
9. PET WASTE: You are responsible for your pet’s waste throughout the park, around your site, and while using one of our Dog Parks. For your convenience we have provided pet stations throughout the park for you to dispose of your pet’s waste daily, so please be a responsible pet owner and help keep our park clean.
10. PETS BEHAVIOR: Pets are to be friendly and non-aggressive. They will not be allowed to cause any disturbances, which includes, but not limited to excessive barking, damage to property and aggressive tendencies. Pet owners are responsible for their pets, including injury to others and/or destruction to property. The Park and the employees are not held liable for any loss, damage or injury of any kind caused by a Guest’s pet.
11. DOG PARKS: We offer two dog parks according to the size of your pet for all guests to enjoy. When entering a park with your pet, please be mindful of the other guests/pets and pet etiquette to not cause a disturbance. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the dog parks without an adult. Agility equipment is not a playground, so please do not allow your children to play in the dog park.
These Pet Rules are used merely as a guideline and are not all inclusive of what may be enforced. Stone Creek RV Park reserves the right to change the Pet Rules at any time without notice. Any unresolved issues may result in Management not extending your stay.